
Our perspectives, learnings, and insights on traction, venture capital, and product management.

The Fundamentals of Traction

What is Traction? Where does it come from? And, most importantly, how do you generate it? Startups are in an endless pursuit of product-market fit. If they are very…

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Closing the Product Management Gap

How to eliminate the #1 killer of startups I recently wrote about the Product Management Gap: the period of time between having a successful demonstration of a technical innovation…

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The Product Management Gap

The #1 cause of death for startups is a self-inflicted wound The Product Management Gap is the period of time between having a successful demonstration of a technical…

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Q3 2017 venture funding by region

The 5 Traits Every Startup Needs to Raise Venture Capital

…and how to get VCs to give them to you. These common traits define every startup successfully raising venture capital in today’s traction-centric market. What it Takes to…

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startup matriculation rates

Why It’s So Difficult to Disrupt

How rising VC expectations are causing founders to ignore user experiences in favor of unsustainable growth. The trouble with innovation… Through my experience as a repeat technical startup…

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