
Our perspectives, learnings, and insights on traction, venture capital, and product management.

Polarr raises $11.5M to Take Aim at Edge Computing Dominance

Why Threshold Ventures is placing a bet on mobile-first enterprise collaboration and cross-platform edge computing Last month, Polarr announced an $11.5M Series A round led by Threshold Ventures…

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Nail Your Startup’s New Year’s Resolutions

Take 2019 by the horns by subjecting your goals to a premortem. It’s the time of year when the founders in my orbit are discussing their company’s goals…

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The Value of a Startup’s Vision Statement

Why a Vision Statement is the most important line of code a startup will ever write. Traditional Vision Statements are Exciting for the Company A traditional vision statement is aspirational…

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A Hard Fork in the ICO Market

In Q3, ICO markets finally developed a demand for traction. The ICO market has experienced a sudden cultural shift that has left concept-stage blockchain founders grappling with the same increased…

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Time Travel to Save your Startup

Dramatically improve the odds of your venture’s success by rooting out and mitigating knowable risks with a premortem.

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Trust — The Missing Feature Your Customers Demand

The greatest, and often unforeseen, challenge healthcare technology startups must resolve is establishing trust with their end-users. While all startups face various challenges related to trust, the healthcare…

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