Foundational expedites the

Pursuit of Venture Capital

Prolonged capital raises are damaging to operations and valuations. We bridge the founder-investor information gap with VC Market Intelligence to help founders raise more efficiently.

Trusted by


70% of funded startups

run out of cash prior to raising their next round.


Traction Strategy Sprint

Produce the signals of traction the VC market will expect.


Fundraising Support

Conduct an impactful roadshow and close rounds with confidence.


Market Validation

Eliminate probable objections with proactive feedback from select VCs.

Our Solutions

Based on our framework, Traction Science, our solutions de-risk raising venture capital by leveraging market insight and curated investor feedback to systematically build a compelling traction narrative that helps founders know when, how, and from whom to raise capital.


Our Philosophy

Product-market fit isn’t the same as venture-capitalist fit. 70% of funded startups run out of cash prior to raising their next round.

VCs hesitate to invest because they doubt a venture’s ability to scale, and even those founders who are successful often spend over 6 months scrambling to build the conviction they need to close.

By proactively bridging the founder-investor information gap, we can help founders raise capital faster.

Our Clients

"I really appreciated the disciplined thinking Traction Science forces. We're finally working together as a team." - Founder, B2C post-seed FinTech startup


startups we work
with each year


have raised outside


typical employee


our ratio of B2B to
B2C customers


Our perspectives, learnings, and insights on venture capital and traction.

Founder chatting with investor in coffee shop

Just Start Raising

Founders are often hesitant to speak with investors until they feel 100% ready to…

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Are You Managing Your International Currency Risk?

Nowadays, most technology ventures are international in some shape or form, whether it be…

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COVID-19’s Impact on Early Stage Venture Capital

With VCs chasing companies thriving through the crisis, this may actually be one of the best times in history to raise early-stage capital.

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What Our

Clients Are Saying


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